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50 Shades of Green
A green dragon pauses in his library to enjoy a little light reading. Double matted to 11x14, hand signed and numbered. 2013, edition of 125.
Alabaster Dragon
One of the two 2016 entries in the gem dragons series, in the pale hues of Alabaster! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2016, edition of 125.
Alexandrite Dragon Mousepad
Alexandrite Dragon - a light purple dragon from the gemstone series! Alexandrite is the birthstone for June.

This mousepad is approximately 8x10 inches, printed on a cloth surface with a think non-slip padding that also provides comfort for your wrist.
A purple dragon above a mountain lake at that mystical moment of twilight known as alpenglow. Double matted to 11x14, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2012, edition of 125.
A mysterious black-garbed woman arrives on her dragon, just outside the castle door! Double matted to 14x18, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2011, edition of 125.
Amber original acrylic painting on masonite. This painting measures 12 x 16, and is presented double-matted in a real wood frame. Exterior dimensions of the frame are approximately 19.5 x 23.5. Ready to display!
Amethyst Dragon Mousepad
Amethyst Dragon - a purple dragon from the gemstone series! Amethyst is the birthstone for February.

This mousepad is approximately 8x10 inches, printed on a cloth surface with a think non-slip padding that also provides comfort for your wrist.
Aquamarine Dragon Fly
Aquamarine Dragon Fly - the little dragon flies love their treasure, just like their big cousins - here's the first in a new series of Gemstone Dragon flies! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered. 2019, edition of 125.
Astronomy is Fun
These are the same little dragons who have appeared in several other pieces, most recently "Cake Shop" and "Math is Hard," along with "Defending the Thesis" and "Research Project." Here they are in "Astronomy Is Fun." The little dragons are probably looking for Comet C/2019 Y4 Atlas. Will it turn brighter and put on a show, or will it break up and fizzle? They want to know. They got tired of waiting for Betelgeuse to explode, but the comet could be big, bright, and green and that would make them happy. But all that they can see right now is a disco ball ornament and the usual starry sky. Double matted to 8x10, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2020, edition of 125.
Astronomy is Fun T Shirt
The Little Student Dragons take an astronomy lesson - but's it's never easy, is it? Printeed for us by Pegasus Publishing, on a super soft Gildan Softstyle shirt in black.
Attitude Adjustment
Things just aren't the same before that first cup of coffee in the morning! Double matted to 11x14, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2013, edition of 125.
Attitude Adjustment T Shirt)
A sweet brown t shirt with the painting titled Attitude Adjustment, a dragon before and after he's had his morning cup of coffee! 100% cotton sturdy t shirt, available from Small up to 5X!

Our tshirt printer has ceased business, and so, at least for now, stock is limited to items on hand and will not be replenished. Get them while you can!
Autumn Dragon
Autumn Dragon
A red and gold dragon in autumn! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered. 2012, edition of 250.
Autumn Flight
A lovely lady out for a high-flying fall jaunt astride her dragon, accompanied by her butterfly-winged cats! Double matted to 16x20, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2010, edition of 200.
Black Amethyst
A classic dragon portrait. Double matted to 11x14, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2007, edition of 125. Nearly gone!
Black Diamond Dragon
Black Diamond Dragon
From the gemstone dragons series, a dark ebon dragon based on the black diamond! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered. 2010, edition of 250.
Blue Poison Dragon Fly
Cross a poison arrow frog with a dragon and you get one of these!. Double matted to 8x10, hand signed and numbered. 2007, edition of 125.
Blue Poison Dragon Fly Mousepad
Blue Poison Dragon Fly - a dragon fly based on a blue poison arrow frog.

This mousepad is approximately 8x10 inches, printed on a cloth surface with a think non-slip padding that also provides comfort for your wrist.
Blue Tigereye Dragon Flies
Blue Tigereye Dragon Fliesis inspired by the piece of blue tigereye on which it's painted. I liked the interplay of blue and brown and gold in the stone, and so I carried the colors through in the squabbling treasure grabbing dragon-flies. The finished piece is triple matted and presented in a heavy golden distressed finish frame which measures 8x10 inches on the inside edge. The accent gems are smoky quartz and tanzanite, carrying out the blue and brown theme using colors borrowed from the blue tigereye.
Blue Topaz Dragon
Blue Topaz Dragon is acrylic onnaturally molted domestic pet macaw feather. It loves blue topaz so much that even the distressed finish wood frame is the color of blue topaz. And of course the gem it carries is a blue topaz. 

This piece can't be shipped internationally due to what it's painted on, but rest assured, CoCo the macaw donated it willingly. The frame measures 5x7 inches on the inside edge. Triple matted.
Bonker Hedgehog Cactus Dragon Fly
From the southwest dragon flies series. Okay, I confess: I found out there is a cactus called a Bonker Hedgehog, and I just had to use it in a painting! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered. 2009, edition of 200.
Book Wyrm Mousepad
Book Wyrm- a golden dragon enjoys a favorite book! 

This mousepad is approximately 8x10 inches, printed on a cloth surface with a think non-slip padding that also provides comfort for your wrist.
Book Wyrm T Shirt
A Golden Dragon takes a break to enjoy a good book! Printeed for us by Pegasus Publishing, on a super soft Gildan Softstyle shirt in brown.
Cactus Dragon Fly Magnets Set of 6
A set of thin magnets, one each of six cactus dragon flies. Each magnet is approximately 2" by 3", the size of a standard business card.
Cake Shop
Those inquisitive dragons first seen in Research Projectare back again - taking a break from studying to enjoy some delicious pastry. You just knew that wouldn't end well! Double matted to 8x10, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2017, edition of 125.
Canyon Dragon Flies
Three desert-shaed dragon flies, in the red rock of a a deep southwestern canyon. Double matted to 11x14, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2016, edition of 75.
Carousel Fantasy - Poseidon
From the series of fantasy carousel figures - figures that never were, but that should be - this is Poseidon, a sea dragon! Double matted to 5x7, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2016, edition of 125.
Cats Bookmark Set 2
Two tasseled bookmarks, a winged grey tabby and a pile of cats in bookshelves!.
Celestial Dance
An eastern dragon and a phoenix swirl together before the moon in a star-filled night sky! Double matted to 16x20, hand signed and numbered by the artist. 2011, edition of 125.
Celestial Dance T Shirt
A dragon and a phoenix dance among the stars! 100% cotton, heavyweight dark blue t shirt. 100% cotton sturdy t shirt, available from Small up to 5X!

Our tshirt printer has ceased business, and so, at least for now, stock is limited to items on hand and will not be replenished. Get them while you can!
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